Creating a Topic and Editing Topic Title
Create a new topic called Labs by clicking on Add Topic, then click on the edit button next to the topic Title.
Adding Activity
Afterwards, click on Add Activity or resource.
Select the type to be Assignment. This should take you to the assignment settings page.
Lab Settings
Please note the following settings:
Assignment Name: Lab xx (1, 2, 3, etc..)
Additional Files: Include the lab instructions as PDF (if available, this can be done at anytime).
Availability: All dates are unchecked
Submission types:
- Maximum number of uploaded files: 1
- Accepted file types: .pdf
Common Module Settings:
- Availability: Hide from students
Those settings are meant to be a starting point for the Lab Assignments and should be adjusted later based on your use case.
Please consult the course coordinator to obtain that last up-to-date lab instructions files for your course.
After adding the lab assignment, you can add the rest of the labs by duplicating the lab we created previously. Afterwards, you can rename the lab to the desired name. For example Lab 2, Lab 3, etc..
Duplicating Labs
You should have something similar to the screenshot below:
Labs should be hidden from students