Adding activities to the LMS beforehand will help you as an instructor to place those activities in their correct category in the course gradebook. In addition, it will help you better prepare for the course in general. Please head to the SMS and make note of the grading outline mentioned in the Syllabus. Based on the course, the type of activities to be added will differ.

Most IST courses contain the following activities:

  • Quizzes (Type: Quiz Activity)
  • Labs (Type: Assignment Activity)
  • Midterm Exam (Practical) (Type: Assignment Activity)
  • Midterm Exam (Theoretical) (Type: Quiz Activity)
  • Final Exam (Practical) (Type: Assignment Activity)
  • Final Exam (Theoretical) (Type: Quiz Activity)
  • Other Assignments (Type: Assignment Activity)

I'm going to use IST207 Database Management course as an example. This is how my finalized grading outline should look like in the LMS:

IST207-01-Lecture-SPR2025_Database Management - Aggregation: Natural - Include Empty Grades
Activity Student Grade
Quizzes (20%) - Aggregation: Simple weighted mean of grades - Include Empty Grades
Quiz 1 - 10 marks -
Quiz 2 - 10 marks -
Quiz 3 - 10 marks -
Category Total 20
Labs (20%) - Aggregation: Simple weighted mean of grades - Include Empty Grades
Lab 1 - 10 marks -
Lab 2 - 10 marks -
Lab 3 - 10 marks -
Lab 4 - 10 marks -
Lab 5 - 10 marks -
Category Total 20
Midterm Exam (Practical) 15% - Aggregation: Highest grade - Include Empty Grades
Midterm Exam (Practical) -
Category Total 15
Midterm Exam (Theoretical) 10% - Aggregation: Highest grade - Include Empty Grades
Midterm Exam (Theoretical) -
Category Total 10
Final Exam (Practical) 20% - Aggregation: Highest grade - Include Empty Grades
Final Exam (Practical) -
Category Total 20
Final Exam (Theoretical) 15% - Aggregation: Highest grade - Include Empty Grades
Final Exam (Theoretical) -
Category Total 15
Bonus Assignment 5% - Extra Credit -
Course Total 100

Based on this grading outline, let us start setting up our course.

Notes before we start:
  • Regardless of the activity type, the settings described should be a good starting point.
  • Those settings will ensure that the Assignment/Quiz is configured properly and no student can submit any assignment or attempt any Quiz unless the instructor allows them to do so.
  • First, we will explain the steps in detail for Labs abd Quizzes. Then we will summarize for the rest of the activities as you'll be more familiar with the process.

In Moodle LMS, head to the Course page, then enable the Edit Mode.

Enabling Edit Mode