Activities and Resources in Moodle LMS

In Moodle LMS course, instructors can define activities and resources that are displayed to participants in the course (mostly students). Our focus in this guide will be on Activities that are commonly used and reflected as a grading item in the gradebook, namely Quizzes and Assignments.

Gradebook Categories

Purpose of Gradebook Categories

Adding a Quiz or an Assignment to the course will result in the activity being reflected in the gradebook page in Moodle LMS under the course main category. Moodle LMS allows for creating sub categories in the gradebook which will have the following added benefits:

  • Organizing activities in a meaningful way helps students understand how much each category is contributing to the overall grade.
  • Allows activities of the same type to maintain a certain grade weight relevant to the course regardless of the number/score of activities in that category.
  • Categories provide much needed flexibility when it comes to grade aggregation.
  • Midterms and Finals contain settings that cannot be overridden which will make creating make-up exams for those two types difficult without a category.

Categories example

Throughout this guide, we will use the following tables to represent categories in the LMS. This simplifies the process of explaining details related to the gradebook without the added visual noise of Moodle settings/options. Below is a screenshot of the gradebook page alongside a table representation of it as an example.

Gradebook Page in Moodle
IST207-01-Lecture-SPR2025_Database Management
Activity Student Grade
Quizzes (20%)
Quiz 1 - 10 marks -
Quiz 2 - 10 marks -
Quiz 3 - 10 marks -
Category Total 20
Labs (20%)
Lab 1 - 10 marks -
Lab 2 - 10 marks -
Lab 3 - 10 marks -
Lab 4 - 10 marks -
Lab 5 - 10 marks -
Category Total 20
Midterm Exam (Practical) 15%
Midterm Exam (Practical) -
Category Total 15
Midterm Exam (Theoretical) 10%
Midterm Exam (Theoretical) -
Category Total 10
Final Exam (Practical) 20%
Final Exam (Practical) -
Category Total 20
Final Exam (Theoretical) 15%
Final Exam (Theoretical) -
Category Total 15
Bonus Assignment 5% -
Course Total 100