Login with Office 365

Before we start, please login to LMS using Office 365 button, then head to one of the courses that you wish to set up the gradebook for. All your courses can be found in the My Courses page.

The relationship between the Grading outline in the Syllabus and Moodle LMS

LMS Gradebook is a reflection of the grading outline that is specified in the Syllabus. Therefore, it is preferable to have your grading outline available while you setup the gradebook.

One of the ways to see the grading outline of your courses is through ktech's SMS (Syllabus Management System).

After you login to the SMS, head to My Syllabi and view one of the available syllabus. Alternatively, you can view other instructor's syllabi from View Syllabi page.

Make note of the grading outline mentioned in the Syllabus. I'm going to use the following syllabus as a reference throughout this guide: SPR2025-IST207-SEC01

Example of a Grading Outline
Category Weight (%)
Quizzes 20%
Labs 20%
Midterm Exam (Practical) 15%
Midterm Exam (Theoretical) 10%
Final Exam (Practical) 20%
Final Exam (Theoretical) 15%
Total 100%

Based on the department policy, course coordinator and other factors, each course will have a different grading outline. Please ask your HOD for details regarding which grading outline should be used for each course you are teaching.

By now, you should have both the LMS open with your desired course in addition to the grading outline that you would like to apply.