Similar to Quizzes, Midterm Exam (Theoretical) is just normal assignment. Perform the following steps:

  1. Create a new topic called Midterm Exam (Theoretical).
  2. Duplicate an existing quiz.
  3. Go to the settings of the duplicate and change the following:
    • Name: Midterm Exam (Theoretical)
    • Grade: 10
  4. Move Midterm Exam (Theoretical) to the topic Midterm Exam (Theoretical).

Midterm Exam (Theoretical) in Course page

As for Gradebook settings, apply the following:

  • Category Name: Midterm Exam (Theoretical) 20%
  • Aggregation: Highest grade
  • Exclude Empty Grades: Unchecked

Finally, move the Midterm Exam (Theoretical) into the created category.

Midterm Exam (Theoretical) in Grades page, Gradebook setup view